xlwings Newsletter #43 (webinar)

Webinar: xlwings File Reader

Webinar: xlwings File Reader

mode="r" is all it needs to switch from

automating the Excel application


reading Excel files

(no Excel installation required and works on Linux, too)! The webinar introduces this PRO functionality and demonstrates the advantages of the xlwings File Reader compared with existing solutions such as pandas.read_excel().


: Wed Oct 26


: 4 PM London | 11 AM NYC

=> The registration page should show it in your local time

=> Click on "add to calendar" after registration to avoid time zone misunderstandings

=> If you can't attend live, sign up anyway and you will get the replay by email




: Reading a typical xlsx sheet is 5-10x faster, reading a typical xlsb sheet is around 30x faster


Single package to rule them all

: Use the same syntax across xlsx, xlsb, and xls as well as across automating Excel and reading Excel files


Full Excel object model

: Work with objects that aren't supported by pandas such as named ranges and cell errors


Not everything is a DataFrame

: You can easily read data as lists, dicts, or single cells.


Powerful and clean API

: Supports the full xlwings syntax with convenience functions such as reading in dynamic ranges

While xlwings File Reader is part of the PRO offering, it is free for non-commercial use.

See you at the webinar!~ Felix