xltrail beta follow-up

xltrail Trial Invitation

Hi ,

You have signed up on our xltrail wait list, thanks for that!

We are now out of beta and ready to offer you a 30 day trial version (no-obligation & free).

Please let me know if you are still interested by replying to this email and I will be happy to send you a trial license key. I am also available for a quick call, if you want to discuss your specific requirements or have any other questions - in that case just let me know what day would work for you.

xltrail is an enterprise software to manage your mission critical Excel workbooks: See who changed what and when, both in cells/sheets and VBA code. Our pricing starts at USD 500/month for up to 10 users.

Note that xltrail requires you to check in your spreadsheets into

(version control system). It works with any provider, including GitHub, GitLab and BitBucket. xltrail has to be installed on a Linux server (on-premise): To learn about the installation process, you can have a look at: 

Best Regards,
